Sumter HVAC Replacement Rebid



Bidding Closed

Prebid Date2/19/19 11:00am

Bid Date3/5/19 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Dept of Administration / Construction & Planning
Woody Williams  


Columbia, SC

Your are invited to bid on the Sumter Street HVAC Replacement project. Bidding documents will be sent as soon as a non-refundable payment of $97.50(cash,credit card,check) is received by TPM 1241 Assembly St., Columbia, SC 29201 (P.803-252-4770 F.256-0671).

Project Number: D50-9981-FW

Description of Project: Replacement of existing HVAC systems 3 and 5 and adding an outside air system. It is the agency’s opinion, based on the Engineer’s cost estimate, that the primary bidder shall hold the following licenses: MC-AC, -HT, and either GC-BD or -SF. It is the bidder’s responsibility to verify that their bid is in compliance with the requirements of the Dept. of Labor, Licensing and Regulations (LLR)

Construction Cost Range: $450,000 to $550,000