SCDMH Charleston Chiller Replacement



Bidding Closed

Prebid Date2/12/19 10:00am

Bid Date2/28/19 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Buford Goff and Associates, Inc.
Bonnie Hook  


Charleston, SC

Your are invited to bid on the SCDMH Charleston Mental Health Chiller Replacement project. Bidding documents will be sent as soon as a non-refundable payment of $54.90 (cash,credit card,check) is received by TPM 1241 Assembly St., Columbia, SC 29201 (P.803-252-4770 F.256-0671).

Project Number: J12-9672-ML

Description of Project: This project will replace the existing chiller one for one with a new chiller and controls. A recent feasibility study recommended that the chiller should be replaced with a unit with seacoast coating for extended life. The unit supplies chilled water to the SCDMH Charleston Mental Health Center located in Charleston. The building was built in 2002 and has a total of 32,238 sq.feet.

Construction Cost Range: $130,000 – $170,000