Dirt Road Package 1



Bidding Closed

Prebid Date1/9/19 5:00pm

Bid Date1/30/19 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Richland Penny Program
Taylor Neeley  


Richland County, SC

Richland County, SC is soliciting electronic bids through Richland PDT, the Program manager, from licensed contractors, for the Dirt Road Package 1, as a part of the Richland County Sales Tax Transportation Improvement Program.

The SLBE Participation Goal for this project is 5.95%. Accordingly, the bidder is required to meet the SLBE Participation Goal at the time of bid opening, complete the SLBE Participation Sheet and accompany it with their Application for Payment each month. A list of certified Small Local Business Enterprises can be found at the following web link: https://rcgov.gob2g.com/

A complete set of bid documents may be obtained at TPM (The Print Machine), 1241 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201, Ph: (803) 252-4770, Email: crepro@tpm.com.

Scope of Project: The work consists of complete sitework and traffic control including, but not limitied to: clearing and grubbing, demolition, unclassified excavation, borrow excavation, sub-base, earth base and aggregate base courses, hot mix asphalt, pavement markings, signage, storm drainage piping and structures, grassing and erosion control measures located within Richland County.